Leveraging Tradelines in 2023: Fight Inflation, Earn Extra Income, And More
Posted on 28 June, 2023 by Miranda Bottas in Tradelines
With a wacky economy, flailing jobs reports, unstable interest rates and still-skyrocketing prices on consumer goods, 2023 is already halfway over. It's hard to believe that we're approaching July again. In one aspect it feels like the past year has flown by in record time. From another perspective, it's equally been quite a long and stressful year for most people.
As summer rolls in and people are spending more time (and money) outdoors on personal activities, traveling, and just generally enjoying the better weather, it seems apparent that everyone is still a bit weary and trying to save a buck whenever possible. From the supermarket to home construction, from basic weekend outings to deciding where and how to take a vacation, the general public is being more choosy than ever before.
One of the common themes on people's minds is not reducing their quality of life, but reducing their monthly costs. Seeking to refinance their homes, searching for better deals on home electronics and luxury items, and generally doing deeper research before buying big-ticket items has become a norm across almost all income brackets. However, there are some things that are difficult to deal with and shopping around doesn't always yield better price points. These include things like business services, insurance services, home and appliance repair, and any type of financial product. In those areas, you're more than likely not going to find better prices without greatly sacrificing the overall quality of service or product.
Our Favorite Financial Product: Authorized User Tradelines
One of our favorite financial products, authorized user tradelines (which we sell here) have not seen an increase in price but are continually and steadily increasing in demand. As the general consumer seeks ways to save, the most savvy of them are also considering how their credit score plays a role in all of this. After all, financing is more difficult to obtain, interest rates are higher, credit card monthly minimum payments have risen, and down payments are becoming larger. Many lenders are also becoming much more inquisitive about personal assets, investments, and bank account balances ask risk assessment is much more stringent. But where do authorized user tradelines (also known simply as "tradelines" or "au tradelines") come in and what makes them so unique? Let us explain in simple and easy-to-understand terms.
What Makes Tradelines So Unique?
Buying tradelines allows you to prime your credit and boost your credit score extremely quickly. Typically, when you find tradelines for sale they're offered at 2-month intervals, which is the perfect amount of time needed to utilize your higher credit score to qualify for improved loan terms, better credit rates, and even loans or financing that you generally would have a difficult time acquiring. They can save you thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars when used strategically and drastically reduce the down payment you require for making large purchases.
But financing isn't the only way that tradelines can be used. You can also increase your credit score before applying for high-limit credit cards, applying for a new job, or to help improve your score prior to renting/leasing a property or home. Each circumstance is unique, but for those who aren't in a negative credit situation (behind on payments, in collections, or with recent derogatory remarks on their credit report) this is a lesser-known, high-performing, and completely legal way to accomplish what you need to and position your credit score adequately in mere weeks.
Furthermore, it's not always about buying. Selling spaces on your credit card to people who need all the benefits mentioned above is a great way to make extra cash. And if you're looking to make some real money, your potential is truly unlimited by acting as a tradeline broker who acts as a middle-man and provides tradelines for sale to those in need of improving their credit score. If you have a large circle of friends, are part of a foreign community composed of individuals with the desire to build credit responsibly, or are simply good at sales you can easily begin your own gig reselling tradelines and making great money.
How Do They Actually Work? It Sounds Too Easy To Be True.
The way the process works is actually very simple. While credit scoring is quite complex, there are 3 major factors to a credit card that show the overall value of any given tradeline. These are as follows:
- The age of the card
- The limit of the card
- The available balance of the card
The older the card is, the higher the limit is, and the larger the available balance is, the more value it represents. In turn, this is all calculated by credit bureaus into the final number that we know as a credit score. If and when you become an authorized user on one of these cards, your name will be reported to the credit bureau and the data of that card will be pegged to your credit profile. When an old, high-limit card with a low balance and a perfect payment history shows up on your report (even though it shows as an authorized user and not your primary account), your credit score makes upward increases very rapidly. The better the card, the better the results.
For some people, high-limit cards work best as they already have aged cards of their own. For others, the old-age of a card is the sweet spot because they're relatively new to credit and don't have many accounts. It all depends on the individual but there's always a solution that will work. It's as simple as this - if you input better numbers into the algorithm, the end result is a better score. And that's what tradelines are all about - getting your score to reach it's full potential in combination with your own personal credit history and habits.
I Understand The Concept, But Is It Risky?
Nothing in life is without risk. That alone shouldn't scare you away, and it's definitely not a red flag. We've been in business for nearly 10 years. We operate professionally, ethically, and based on trust and transparency. We also offer a posting guarantee, so that if there is some sort of issue with a credit line posting to your report, we'll provide your money back or another tradeline of equal or greater value.
The biggest risk when buying or selling tradelines is greed, impatience, and an inability to follow simple instructions.
First off, you should never - and we repeat NEVER try to obtain tradelines from an unknown, unreliable, or un-established business or individual. You can't forget that you're making a transaction that involves your credit report and personal information, so care needs to be taken just as you would when utilizing your personal info in any other situation.
There are many who learn everything they can about tradelines and then purchase them from the cheapest place they can find. But when something goes wrong, that company is not there to help, no refund is available, and many times absolutely nothing is resolved. Your money was effectively stolen for the most part. There are also scammers who sell fake credit lines or lines obtained through synthetically or illegally created identities, and even deceased persons. This is not something you want to deal with. It is extremely easy to avoid by simply choosing a reliable company who can and will offer you a legal, legit, and high-performing product at an accessible price.
(Yes, there are people posing on craigslist and eBay who offer to sell you authorized user tradelines for a mere fraction of the cost of any reputable company. And yes, there are people who have pursued these offers with success. However, it's kind of like handing all of your personal info to a complete stranger in a dark alley and hoping they'll provide the product they promise. If they don't, you have nowhere you can go for help, and nowhere to turn for assistance. You only have yourself to blame and you alone will be left dealing with whatever the consequences. Don't test your luck. You REALLY do not want to end up in that position.)
After all, if you're saving thousands upon thousands of dollars and years of time compared to what it would take to achieve the same credit score using traditional long-term methods, there is no reason to try and save a few hundred dollars and risk the whole process. Once your credit profile has been wrongly compromised, it can be a real mess to correct. Avoid all of that and do things right. GFS Group can help you and provide the utmost in confidence and quality assurance.
I Am Ready To Get Started, How Long Will This Take?
The period of time to get started working with authorized user tradelines depends on your intent. Do you have strong credit cards and want to sell user spaces to others? Are you interested in becoming a broker and working in the area of connecting end-users who wish to build their credit with excellent products? Are you an individual who wants to raise your personal credit score to reap the benefits and meet your own needs? The intent is what is important.
The first thing to do is contact us, or visit our website to learn about selling your own lines of credit, becoming a tradeline broker, or tradelines for individuals and how each of these work. The vast majority of people are interested in buying, whether as a broker or an individual. These people can begin by taking a peek at our inventory of tradelines for sale. When ready to buy, you can easily do so directly from our website 24 hours a day. But don't just buy if you don't know what you're doing.
You'll need to be sure you have a firm grasp on things, and the best thing to do in this case is contact us. If you're the type of person who prefers to learn on your own and gain full comprehension, you can check our FAQs, or even dig deeper thanks to the Ultimate Guide To Authorized User Tradelines which we created for people just like you.
If you're in a rush, or in a bind, remain patient and reach out to us. We'll help you acquire what will serve your immediate need while keeping you within your budget and helping you understand how these tools will aid you in reaching your intended goal. You can see a very impressive increase on your credit score in as little as a couple weeks depending on how quickly you're able to act.
What Kind of Fees Are Involved?
If you're seeking tradelines for sale and are an individual, the costs of the cards will vary depending on the factors mentioned above which are the age and limit of the card. The higher the value and demand, the higher the cost.
If you want to broker our product, there are no membership fees. You'll simply apply to become a broker and if we accept you, you'll be able to start buying and making money once your account has been authorized and approved.
If you want to sell your own credit card tradelines as a part of our inventory, there is no fee because we'll be paying you whenever someone purchases your tradeline.
There are no secrets, no hidden fees, no special tricks, and no shady practices involved. We have an excellent history of working with people from all over the country and our feedback from real clients speaks volumes. GFS Group is the tradeline compnay that stands out from the others by offering sincere, expert, and friendly service throughout your experience as a buyer, seller, or broker. Reach out today and get the attention and services that can help make your life easier and more fulfilling.
Battling rampant inflation and rising interest rates through the buying, selling, and improving your credit score is a win-win solution for all parties involved. Don't pass up this wonderful opportunity without first taking a look to see if it can benefit you personally. We are here to help and we are always more than happy to inform you about what we do best.
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