How To Buy Tradelines Like A Professional
Posted on 06 January, 2023 by Miranda Bottas in How-To

How To Buy Tradelines Like A Professional And Get Professional Results
Well, where should we begin? Let's start by assuming you already know what tradelines are and how they work (if not, you can learn more here).
Maybe you've never purchased them before or maybe you have. In either case, it's important to understand your goals for doing so and the strategies involved. There are basic strategies for buying tradelines and there are advanced strategies.
Today we'll focus on both since it's necesarry to discern between the two, and provide real-life examples about the type of lines you might be purchasing plus a few of the proven tactics that can maximize your potential credit score increase.
Finding the Right Tradeline Supplier
If you want to buy tradelines like a true professional, you'll have to find the best selection and the best quality. This doesn't always mean they'll be cheap, nor does it mean that they have to break your bank. It means you'll need to shop around, find the perfect cards, and utilize them at the perfect time. Finding the right tradelines for sale truly is not a difficult task, however, in some instances the ones you want to purchase may already be in use. When that's case you'll be required to do some waiting, which may or may not affect your strategy. It's important to have several sources or at least one very robust source for making your purchases. This ensures there will alway be adequate inventory at your disposal.
Wherever it is that you decide to purchase your tradelines, the process must consistently be smooth, quick and effective. There is a very limited margin for error and holdups, especially if your strategy is one that is very time sensitive. You'll need to be sure that you're checking the account's statement and posting dates plus everything else that is relevant to your end goals. The last thing you want to deal with is bad customer service or incompetent sellers. You'll also want to be sure that there's a secure process in place for the storage and management of your purchase details and personal information.
It may sound like a lot of work, but it's really not too difficult and well worth the reward to do your research. Finding the right supplier may require a few hours, or only a simple phone call. Be sure that whoever your buying from is friendly, patient, and above all - knowledgeable.
Once you've found the correct company (or multiple companies, although a single supplier is recommended for simplicity) to buy from, it's time to begin moving forward.
But let's not forget that before you can buy, you must have a plan. This plan will be determined by your goals, your spending budget, where your credit report currently stands (or how it looks to lenders), and the tradelines available for you to purchase.
Understanding What Your Goals Are
Before you know which tradelines you'll want and before being able to create a plan, you must have your goals in mind. Are you planning to finance a new home? Finance a vehicle? Get a business loan so you can be your own boss? When would you like to make your purchase? What kind of credit score does this require to be approved, and, what kind of credit score would be ideal (better than "enough for a basic approval") to have the best chance for great financing rates and the smallest down payment possible?
You'll want to consider all the factors that go into your reasoning for buying tradelines and have them written on paper. At this point, you also should have been in contact with various potential lenders to have a strong grasp on what their credit score requirements and financial expectations are. It will make things much easier when you begin planning and executing your strategy.
Preparing Your Personal Information
When we talk about creating a strategy to buy tradelines, we have to think in both the short-term and long-term time frames. We also must consider what our goals are and understand that there is no guaranteed outcome, and no fixed number that is set in stone.
In other words, the algorithms used by the bureaus to determine your overall score are extremely complex and while some professionals can predict quite accurately the amount of improvement you'll see on your credit score, nothing is promised in this industry. While keeping that in mind, we'll begin by ruling out the most basic problem - errors or issues that could cause slip-ups, delays, or less-than-ideal results. We're essentially trying to optimize the tradeline purchase process, so we want to be sure we're covering all of our bases.
First, we want to be 100% positive that the personal information our credit reports are accurate across all 3 of the major credit unions. This means no errors in reporting, no wrong addresses, no misspelling of names, etc.. In addition we must be sure that the fine details are consistent across all 3 bureaus. You can get started with this process by visiting which is a hassle-free and very well-respected site. It is the #1 recommended consumer source for obtaining all of your credit reports from a single platform. You used to be able to obtain free access once a year to each report, however, during the Covid crisis all of the credit bureaus are allowing for a free weekly report. This will work in your favor later on as well when you check up on the performance of your tradelines, or, check to see that the requested changes to any errors regarding your identity info have been made.
Now, let's use an example: If your name is Christoper Robert Smith, you need to be sure that all 3 of your credit reports reflect this. If Experian shows your name as Chris R. Smith while Equifax and Transunion show your name as being Cristopher Smith, you have a problem. Of course it's very minor problem but it's an important one and you'll need to contact the respective bureau(s) and correct it. Whether your name information is corrected to read as Chris Smith, Cris R. Smith, Cristoper R. Smith, or Christoper Robert Smith is irrelevant. What's important is that all 3 of them are matching since this is the same exact information you'll be providing when purchasing your tradelines - and you want to be sure they appear correctly on your credit report. The same is true for each and every aspect of your address. If you live in a condominium or apartment and the unit number is 303 you will need to be sure that it reads as #303, Apt. 303, or Suite #303 with all 3 credit bureaus. Everything about your identity MUST match exactly and also match with the information you provide when making your tradeline purchase. This is a critical first step in planning and a step that no professional would ever skip. Always check before buying.
NOTE: Please, DO NOT EVER try and use the name or address of another person for any reason. If any tradeline company or seller influences you to use a different name or address, immediately halt the process and request a refund if you have made any sort of payment. This would be an illegal practice, and it equates to fraud. You don't want to be involved with that. You're trying to do good and increase your credit report - not end up with serious legal problems. Be smart, be safe, and most of all - be honest.
Once you know your report is correct, clear, and without errors you can move forward to the next part of the strategy for buying tradelines - knowing what you need.
Knowing Which Tradelines Will Benefit You The Most
This is where the real strategy and planning begins to come into play. Since you already have a good company chosen and your goals are clear, you're ready to begin thinking about the actual benefits.
There are various types of credit card tradelines for sale. Some have higher limits than others, and some have an older age. Some tradelines (which are usually the most expensive) have the benefit of old age and a high limit. Usually these are the most beneficial for anyone who's in the market to purchase tradelines but you shouldn't assume you need to buy the most expensive ones to achieve your desired results.
If your credit history is only a few years old but you already have high limits, you'll probably want to focus on well-aged or "seasoned" tradelines. You'll usually have no problem finding cards that are 10, 15, or even 20+ years old. Beware that the overall credit card account age is calculated using averages, so the more cards you have in your wallet, the more leverage you'll need to bring your score up. If you have 3 cards that are all 2 years old, your average account age would be 2 years. However, if you have one account that's 4 years old and another that's only 1 year old, your average account age would only be 2.5 years. Keep this in mind when deciding the age of the accounts you're eyeing. With a 2.5 year history, you'd need a 20-year old credit card account to bring your average up to just over 11 years of age.
Lines of credit like previous auto loans, personal loans, or student loans will also play a role. If you want to learn everything there is to know about buying tradelines you could read our Ultimate Guide to Buying Authorized User Tradelines. Likewise, if you have very specific considerations you can always contact GFS Group and we'd be glad to help you by explaining the role that any given tradeline will likely play in meeting your goals.
Determining What Tradelines You Should Buy And When To Buy Them
Once you understand which tradelines will benefit you most (and you should be taking notes on the likely outcomes of each option), you'll need to decide when and how to buy them. This is the step where things can be very basic or become complicated.
If you simply need a boost of 30 or 40 points and your credit history is clean and without negative remarks or late payments, the best idea is to shoot for the oldest, highest-limit card you can afford. However, if you want to aim for a much higher target concerning your final credit score before completing that loan application, you might need to buy multiple tradelines. This can be done by purchasing a tradeline package, or, by cleverly staggering your purchases so you can view the benefit of the first purchase and then move forward with another as needed.
Let's provide and example. Let's say you have a credit score of 670 and your goal is to achieve a 725. Depending on your history and the card you purchase, a single tradeline could put your score up the 55 points you need. However, that's not guaranteed. This might cause you to purchase multiple tradelines so you can be safe that you'll hit your numeric goal. It also might be a good reason to purchase a tradeline that is going to finish its cycle soon, wait to see the effect on your report, and then purchase another (or two) equally strong lines to really put you in the lead. You may find that the second and third purchases yield a similar number per card, equating to well over 100 points gain on your credit score. But you'll be playing a very tight game as far as time is concerned so when employing a strategy like this you'll want to have your lender of choice in place. You'll then need to quickly apply for the financing as soon as the most recent purchase appears on at least 2 of the 3 major credit bureaus.
Sometimes making the purchase of a two or three cards at once which post on a similar date will have the same effect as the purchase mentioned above, but this can depend on credit bureau algorithms. Again, your timing must be very strategic.
To buy like a professional, you may want to speak to a professional first as they'll have experience with hundreds or thousands of clients and know what kind of results are produced. They'll be able to provide insight into the expected wait times for any given tradeline to post to your report and help you understand what will work for your budget to give you the highest probability for success. If this is your first time around, you will never be at a disadvantage by seeking the assistance of an tradeline expert.
Buying Your Tradelines and Executing Your Strategy
When you're absolutely sure about your purchase(s) and have confidence that they're the best chance for you to achieve the credit score you're looking for, go ahead and make your move. Take screenshots of the confirmation, and make sure that your final details are correct so that you're not surprised a month down the road if you accidentally bought the wrong tradeline, or, if there was a technical issue for example (this is just one more reason it's important to find the best supplier you can).
Once complete, your broker or supplier will relay your information to the primary cardholder who should add you as an authorized user very quickly (48 hours or less is expected). After receiving your notification that you've been added, the only thing left to do is wait.
Following Up With Your Purchases
Generally speaking, once a credit card's billing cycle ends, the month's statement is released. About 3 days later the card issuer will report the status - including your status as a new authorized user - to the credit bureaus. It usually never takes more than 14 days from that point until your new credit card tradelines appear on your credit report and are reflected in your new credit score.
The day you see that your credit score has risen, be sure to go back to the link we provided earlier and check all 3 credit bureaus. Keep in mind that your purchase may not show on all 3, but almost any reputable tradeline supplier will guarantee that your status is reported to at least two of the major bureas. Regardless, be patient and when the new score appears, review all of the fine details of the authorized user tradeline account on your credit report.
You'll want to be sure that the limits, age, and utilization are what they claimed to be during your purchase. This follow up is an important part of ensuring that you not only got what you were paying for, but that the details of each credit tradeline are consistent across the various credit agencies. If you see a problem or have questions, now is the time to address it - don't delay in doing so and make the first move by contacting the supplier and asking for advice while explaining the situation. They may have a very simple resolution for you and will always provide the best advice on what to do next.
Take Action And Enjoy The Benefits
Once your authorized user status has been posted and your score has reached its full potential, it's finally time to utilize them for their intended purpose. Get into contact with that lender, negotiate the best you can before filling out the application(s) if possible, and then negotiate even more based on your credit score when applicable.
Finding great tradelines for sale and knowing how to use them like a professional can deliver great benefits and act as an excellent source of leverage for any financial transaction that involves financing. These tools make it possible to get the home you've dreamed about owning, drive off the dealership lot in your new vehicle without having spent a single dollar on a down payment, and much much more.
If you want to see what's available from one of the nation's leading tradeline companies, visit GFS Group today and take a look at what's available. Don't forget to read our reviews from real and highly satisfied clients who were able to meet or exceed their goals. Our job is to help you change your life for the better and we're passionate about doing so. We hope that with our tools and your desire to advance, you'll be able to buy tradelines like a professional.

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