With GFS Group Affiliate Program You Can Buy Authorized User Tradelines for Your Clients
Posted on 20 October, 2020 by Miranda Bottas in Affiliate Program for Brokers
Authorized User Tradeline Brokerage and Affiliate Program
How to Buy and Sell Tradelines to Your Clients and Grow Your Business
When someone’s credit report doesn’t have enough positive data to generate a good credit score, they often look for ways to improve it. There are many ways for people to increase their credit scores to obtain affordable loans, mortgages, better interest rates, and much more. While these methods can be utilized by anyone, one tried-and-true shortcut is the credit-building technique of buying authorized user tradelines.
Believe it or not, people can actually borrow a link to another person's excellent credit. This process basically means that the purchaser will become a secondary card holder of the primary credit line, only without the ability to spend. One example would be asking a relative to add them as an authorized user on a credit card that has a long history and a high limit. However, for most people this isn't an option and they need to find another way to get a tradeline. But how?
Typically if someone wants to improve their credit by obtaining a tradeline, they'll do research to gain insight and advice from someone who knows more than they do. Ultimately, they’re looking for someone to guide them through the process, answer questions, and even complete the process for them so they don't have to deal with the hassle. Since the latter is the most common case, there's a large demand for people who are capable and knowledable about the subject, and you (or your business) can be one of them.
Super Tradeline Broker, to the rescue!
How to become a tradeline broker
If you’re a tradeline broker, you’re in the right place. However, if you aren't one yet but are curious or interested in becoming one, you're also in the right place. Here are the basics of the job:
- The essential tools for this work are a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and pay attention to details.
- Tradeline brokerage is unique in the world of finance because no special "broker license” is required. This means you can get started quickly and easily.
- Become familiar with how credit works and understand which factors impact credit scores the most. You want to be an expert so you can make your customers happy.
- Partner with a reputable company to help your clients access a variety of seasoned, high-quality tradelines and world-class support when you need it the most.
Who operates as an authorized user tradeline broker?
Below are the types of businesses that typically offer tradelines to their clients for a fee:
Credit Repair Companies
Tradeline companies (like GFS Group) empower credit repair companies to exceed client expectations. Credit repair companies help rectify their clients' credit scores by disputing negative remarks, negotiating with credit companies, and offering debt payment plans.
But, how can credit repair companies help clients boost credit once the negative marks are gone? Authorized user tradelines significantly improve credit and the best credit repair companies know this (and offer the service as a way to help). Tradelines can't help everyone, since every situation is diffferent. But when the timing is right, a decent credit repair company will know it and recommend you to someone like us.
Loan Officers
Every loan officer wants to close more contracts. They’re always on the borrower's side because in many cases, part of their income directly depends on how many loans get approved. They want to help turn denied loan seekers into profitable borrowers, but they don't always know how. Not all credit repair professionals know how to utilize authorized user tradelines. In fact, some don't even know they exists. Thus, loan officers are excellent candidates to act as tradeline brokers for their customers.
Mortgage Brokers
The situation with mortgage brokers is almost the same as loan officers, except they usually have less time to learn about authorized user tradelines. It takes awhile to learn the ins-and-outs, but it's still a highly valuable skill to have. If you're a mortgage broker, you may want to consider learning the ins-and-outs of authorized user tradelines and how they may help some of your clients.
Debt Management Consultants
Sometimes it's crucial to quickly recover a rogue credit score after it incurs damage due to financial difficulties, such as missed payments. Credit repair is the first step to achieving these goals; next is rebuilding the credit score. Several credit-building techniques offer stable and predictable results, and utilizing AU (authorized user) tradelines are among them.
When debt management consultants offer guidance to alleviate debt and help rebuild credit, we recommend adding "credit piggybacking" to their services as an option to obtain a quick and effective credit boost for their clients. This is essentially the temporary purchase of a credit card tradeline. We'll talk more about it below.
Business credit consultants
People are always looking for new ways to obtain small business loans, and personal credit is a crucial factor in securing financing - especially if this is your first business. Specialists who help people become entrepreneurs often rely on AU tradelines as a fast and powerful credit-building tool. If you're a business credit consultant, you owe it to yourself and your clients to do your own research and become knowledgeable about the subject.
Is this credit-building technique lawful?
Yes. People often ask their family or friends to add them as authorized users of credit cards, and the same can be done by renting the credit line of a stranger with spotless payment history. This "rental" generally takes place through a tradeline brokerage. Individuals with excellent credit histories rent out the authorized user slots on their credit card accounts and people who are working to improve their credit can pay for access to these spots. It needs to be done correctly, but all-in-all, it's really quite simple and not unlawful.
In 1974, the US enacted the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), regulating banks' activities toward credit applicants. Regulation B of that law prohibits discrimination on many factors, including, for example, marital status. That means a person doesn't have to be spouses with the cardholder or even know each other personally to be an authorized user of their credit card - hence the legality and availability of using the credit of a complete stranger.
Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) desired to exclude authorized users from credit scoring due to morals. However, FICO changed its decision because of the ECOA and canceled its application to Congress. When everyone is allowed to buy and sell tradelines, more people can access the benefits of not only achieving good credit but also having better purchasing opportunities.
How does the Affiliate Program for brokers work?
In most cases, lenders use the borrower's credit score to estimate their trustworthiness and determine whether they can qualify for a loan. As a result, borrowers reserve the best rates for borrowers with good credit, stable income, and large down payments.
If a borrower's finances aren't in order, lenders consider them risky & charge higher interest rates, costing thousands more over the life of the loan. You may have seen this firsthand if your business relates to working with customers who have bad credit and need to get approved for a loan. Whether they need a mortgage loan to buy a house, a car loan, or approval to rent a home soon, they need to improve their credit score fast.
That's where our Affiliate Program for brokers comes in. Our program is a tool for our partners from industries where credit is an essential factor: real estate, credit repair companies, mortgage/auto, and other loan specialists. Affiliate partners can easily register as AU tradeline brokers or as an affiliate through our website to help clients improve their success rates. At the same time, affiliate partners are also growing their business by offering the service directly and making excellent referral payments for doing so.
When your customer seeks to improve their credit score to get approved for a loan, you can share the benefits of AU tradelines by helping them choose from a large inventory of reasonably priced tradelines from reliable cardholders with perfect credit history. It's a win for them, you, and our cardholders, too! As a tradeline broker, you'll be able connect your client to a trustworthy line of credit that will improve their credit score - and that's a powerful tool to have at your disposal.
How do I get paid as an affiliate?
Whether you are already a tradeline broker or not yet, you want to know how to make money as an affiliate. You can fill out a simple form to learn more about the discounts we offer.
How do I sign up to be an affiliate?
If you are a credit repair professional, mortgage broker, loan officer, or a business or debt management consultant, becoming an affiliate with GFS Group is easy. It allows you to give your customers access to greater credit and extended history, both which can help them achieve their financial goals.
If you're ready to sign up today or have questions regarding specifics, send us a message via the form on this page or click the button below so we can help you get the ball rolling.
GFS Group Affiliate Program Highlights:
☑ We keep authorized users for a minimum of two months (two billing cycles).
☑ We guarantee to post every tradeline to a minimum of 2 out of 3 major credit bureaus*. Otherwise, we’ll replace the tradeline with one of equal or higher value or issue a full refund.
☑ The prices on the website reflect the fee for the entire lease period, which is 60 days.
☑ Upon an authorized user's removal from a tradeline, it stays closed on the client's report for up to 10 years. The account will continue to positively contribute to the credit profile.
☑ For all our affiliate partners registered as brokers on our website, we also offer an attractive Multi-Level Referral Program. You can create, edit, and delete custom referrals. In addition, you can specify the discount size for customers or create and track your marketing campaigns.
☑ For those brokers who bring us a significant amount of business, we're open to providing permanent partner discounts.
☑ Becoming a broker/affiliate partner is free. With our outstanding programs, you can augment your income while helping your clients with bad credit histories improve their financial success.
Want to learn more about becoming a tradeline broker or affiliate partner? Contact us via our website form, and we will be in touch shortly to explain everything you need to know.
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